Your feet bear the brunt of heavy daily use and can soon start to show the signs of wear and tear. We can treat a wide variety of conditions, including all of the following. Please click on one for more details.

Your feet bear the brunt of heavy daily use and can soon start to show the signs of wear and tear. We can treat a wide variety of conditions, including all of the following. Please tap on one for more details.

  • Ageing Feet

    As you age, signs of wear and tear become more apparent on your feet, potentially causing significant pain and discomfort that affects mobility.

  • Athlete’s Foot

    The fungal infection, Athlete’s Foot, can cause intense itching as well as red, cracked and blistered skin that can become painful if left without treatment.

  • Blisters

    Caused by friction and pressure from the likes of ill-fitting shoes or excessive moisture, blisters can be incredibly painful and should be looked at if they don’t heal naturally on their own.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

    A third form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation in the joints, leading to pain, stiffness and aching.

  • Verrucae

    Often found on the soles of the feet or the toe area, verrucae are warts that are harmless but can be uncomfortable and painful depending on their location.

  • Bunions

    A deformity of the big toe, bunions often lead to a bony lump developing on the side of the foot that can become sore and inflamed if left without treatment.

  • Chilblains

    Small, itchy red swellings on the skin, chilblains can dry out and swell further, causing intense pain and increasing the risk of infection when they start to crack.

  • Corns & Callus

    Areas of thick skin caused by excessive pressure, corns and callus are very common and can be easily treated in clinic.

  • Osteoarthritis

    Another form of arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage of a joint gets damaged, with the big toe being one of the main areas affected.

  • Gout

    The least common form of arthritis, gout is caused when there is a build-up of uric acid in the blood which sees small crystals build up in the joint, leading to severe inflammation and pain.

  • Heel Pain

    As you age, signs of wear and tear become more apparent on your feet, potentially causing significant pain and discomfort that affects mobility.

  • Ingrowing Toenail

    Caused by a piece of nail piercing the flesh of your toe, an ingrowing toenail can be incredibly painful, inflamed and infected if left without treatment

  • Sweaty Feet

    Embarrassing and uncomfortable, sweaty feet can be a real problem for some people, which can in turn affect their daily life, however is very treatable.

Ageing Feet

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As you get older, more and more problems with your feet often develop simply due to the daily wear and tear they have been accustomed to over the years. The skin on the feet starts to become thinner and lose its elasticity, with dryness and fragility also being common ailments.

These problems can cause pain, which in turn can affect your mobility. Walking and exercise is an important part of your health and wellbeing as you get older, so issues with mobility can severely affect your day to day life.

Common Signs of Ageing Feet

If you have started to experience any of the following signs of aging feet, it’s worth getting in touch with us here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic to discuss how we can help:

  • More Frequent Aches and Pains
  • Development of Bunions
  • Clawing of the Toes
  • General Circulatory Problems

How We Can Help

Treatment will depend on the particular condition you’re experiencing. An annual foot health check-up is a good idea as you get older as problems can be picked up earlier, potentially before they escalate, whilst conditions like diabetes and circulatory problems can all be picked up by checking your feet.

Get in touch with the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic by visiting the Contact Page.

Athletes Foot

A fungal infection of the skin, Athlete’s Foot can be incredibly itchy, with the skin becoming red cracked and blistered. It most commonly occurs due to excessive moisture between the toes and, if left untreated, can lead to painful fissures with the infection spreading between all toes and sometimes onto the soles of your feet too.

As well as being common with those who regularly walk around swimming pools barefoot before then slipping on their trainers, Athlete’s Foot can also occur in dry environments too. Those who regular wear sandals or flip flops during the summer may experience the infection as the sun dries out the skin, removing the natural protective oils, and making it  more prone to picking up an infection.

How We Can Help

If treated early, the effects of Athlete’s Foot are not severe, however without treatment more issues can arise.

We can help you select the right treatment option for you to try at home, and if your infection has spread to nails, we can provide a range of medical treatments to suit your particular problem.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic here to make an appointment.


Anyone who has every had a blister can testify as to how painful they can be. Caused by friction and pressure from the likes of ill-fitting shoes, stiff backs on shoes, moisture or your socks rubbing against your skin, blisters can affect mobility, causing pain when you try to walk or run.

Taking a few simple steps can help to reduce the chances of developing a blister, including:

  • Keeping feet dry and nails trimmed
  • Wearing the right size socks to act as a barrier between the back of your shoe and your skin
  • Wearing fully fitted, comfortable shoes
  • Regularly checking your feet to spot signs of rubbing or any tenderness early

How We Can Help

 If you have a blister that hasn’t naturally healed or has not changed through any treatments you have tried after three weeks, it’s worth getting in touch with our team to check it out in more detail.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic to make an appointment here.


If you have a blister that hasn’t naturally healed or has not changed through any treatments you have tried after three weeks, it’s worth getting in touch with our team to check it out in more detail.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on 01329 825 156 to make an appointment.

How We Can Help

If you think you are suffering from a bunion, we can first assess and diagnose whether that is the case or not. If you have a bunion, we can provide you with advice and guidance on certain exercises you can do as well as potentially fitting orthoses into your shoes or splints to hold the toes straight.

If a bunion is causing you a significant amount of pain, we will discuss further treatment options with you, including surgery to remove the bunion and prevent recurrence.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on 01329 825 156 to make an appointment.


Chilblains are small red and itchy swellings that appear on the skin. They can cause significant pain as well as cracking, which increases the risk of infection due to the skin’s exposure.

They often occur on the smaller toes as well as any areas of your feet exposed to particular pressure, such as a bunion or a toe squeezed by poorly fitting shoes. People with poor circulation and those who work outdoors or in cold conditions are most commonly affected, as well as those who don’t wear socks or tights in winter.

Caused by the skin’s reaction to cold, a rapid change in temperature from hot to cold can also be a factor in their appearance.

Signs of Chilblains

Once winter arrives, chilblains will present themselves through:

  • Burning and itching on your hands and feet
  • Swelling and redness of the skin
  • Skin breakages and development of sores in extreme cases

How We Can Help

If you are experiencing chilblains that are causing significant pain and discomfort on a regular basis, we are on hand to help. We’ll provide you with advice and guidance on treating and preventing chilblains.

Contact the team at Fareham Foot Health Clinic here.

Corns & Callus

Corns and callus form when pressure on one particular area of the foot builds up and the skin thickens. Callus are areas of thick, hard skin on the soles of your feet, while corns form over bony areas, such as joints and between toes, due to friction and excessive pressure.

Most common is adults, if you exercise regularly or wear sandals that expose your heel on a regular basis, you may be more likely to suffer from corns and callus.

Are they Painful?

Corns are often more uncomfortable than painful, feeling like you have a stone in your shoe. Callus however can cause a feeling of burning and discomfort both when you are walking around and when you relax.

How We Can Help

 Our team of podiatrists can safely and effectively remove corns and callus using the very latest techniques and equipment. After an initial consultation, we’ll identify the best form of treatment, which could see us remove the corn or callus with a fine scalpel blade before smoothing the skin afterwards.

If you are suffering from corns and/or callus, contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on 01329 825 156 to make an appointment.


Gout is one of the least common forms of arthritis and is caused by an imbalance of uric acid in the blood. This causes small crystals to form and collect around the joints, causing inflammation and discomfort.

This can be incredibly painful, making mobility almost unbearable and the ability to find comfortable footwear very difficult.

What are the Symptoms?

The most obvious symptom of gout is an acute throbbing of your big toe which, on closer inspection, you will see to be swollen. Gout will often cause you to wake in the middle of the night, with the pain lasting for just a few hours before disappearing and not returning for a few weeks or months.

How We Can Help

Our team of podiatrists will be able to identify whether you are suffering from gout, and provide you with advice and information on the treatment options available.

We can also help you to alleviate some of the symptoms by adapting your footwear, providing protective shields for your toes, padding to ease pressure or measure you up for orthotics which can be slipped into your shoes and help to redistribute pressure away from the worst affected areas.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic here to make an appointment.

Heel Pain

Heel pain can cause significant discomfort every time you stand up and attempt to move anywhere. There can be any number of reasons for you experiencing pain in your heel, from lower back problems, inflammatory joints or simply wear and tear.

Obesity, working in a role that requires you to stand up or walk around for prolonged periods of time, lots of running and walking as well as flat or high arched feet and poor footwear choices can also lead to problems arising with your heels.

Is it Serious?

Heel pain is a common ailment, with most pain slowly easing off by resting and taking care of your feet. However, if you experience consistent pain for over three weeks, it’s a good idea to get in touch with our team of podiatrists as we will be able to identify the type of heel pain you are suffering before providing the right treatment to ease your pain.

How We Can Help

There are lots of different treatments available for heel pain, and we will advise you on the best option after identifying the exact type of pain you’re suffering from. This could include providing you with certain stretching exercises, making adjustments to your footwear, medications and orthotics which can be worn in your shoes in the long term to relieve your pain.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on 01329 825 156 to make an appointment.

Ingrowing Toenail

Ingrowing toenails can be painful, as a piece of your nail pieces the skin of your toe, as well as having an impact on the type of shoes you can wear and your ability to fully participate in sports and exercise.

Most commonly found on the big toes, this problem can lead to intense pain and lead to difficulties with mobility. As your foot is always in socks and shoes, the chance of infection are increased.

Is it Serious?

 Ingrowing toenails are not normally serious, however if left without treatment could lead to an infection which goes on to affect the rest of your toes and foot. The sooner you deal with an ingrowing toenail, the better.

How We Can Help

Our team of podiatrists will fully assess your feet to identify whether you are suffering an ingrowing toenail. We’ll then work out the best course of treatment, which could either surgical or non-surgical removal of the nail, with antibiotics often required too.

Contact the team at Fareham Foot Health Clinic here.


Osteoarthritis is often known as the ‘wear and tear’ arthritis as, over time, cartilage around the joints becomes damaged and the bone underneath thickens, leading to pain, swelling and stiffness.

The big toe is one of the common joints to be affected by osteoarthritis due to the pressures of walking every day. Over time, the toe may become rigid or drift over towards your other toes.

Is it Serious?

Most symptoms of osteoarthritis are mild, with pain and discomfort coming and going. The symptoms also don’t tend to continue to get worse over time.

How We Can Help

There are lots of ways we can help if you are suffering from osteoarthritis, including measuring you for orthotics which can be worn in your shoes to help reduce some of the pain in your joints.

We’ll also advise you on the best footwear for your problem as well as providing padding to reduce pressure and strapping to limit joint movement for short periods of time. If the problem doesn’t get any better, we may discuss surgical options with you.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on our Contact Page.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease which leaves joints swollen and painful. Commonly affecting the big toes, you tend to find that if one big toe is swollen and painful, the other one will be too.

The foot deformity rheumatoid arthritis results in can make walking difficulty and painful, as well as leading to the uneven distribution of pressure which can in turn lead to the development of corns, callus and bunions.

Is it Serious?

It requires treatment to help slow the affects and ensure that severe damage isn’t caused to your joints.

How We Can Help

There are lots of things we can do to help make movement and walking less painful. These include measuring and fitting orthotics, which can then be worn in your shoes to reduce the pressure on the affected joints.

We’ll also advise you on the best choice of footwear and can provide you with protective shields for your toes or padding to reduce friction and pressure. For the most serious cases, there are a number of surgical options that we can discuss with you too.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on 01329 825 156 to make an appointment.

Sweaty Feet

While we can all suffer from sweaty feet from time to time, some people suffer from a more severe problem which can affect their day to day life and confidence. There are thousands of sweat glands in the feet, and if you have a problem with excessive sweating, these glands secrete all the time, not just when you get hot through exercise or because of the weather.

The exact cause of this is unknown, however it can be worse if your feet are under constant strain and pressure, for instance in a job where you are standing or walking around for long periods of the day.

Is it Serious?

This condition isn’t one that will go away straight away, however it is treatable; it just may require a sustained period of treatment to see the desired results.

How We Can Help

We’ll run through all of the available treatment options with you and provide you with advice on how to maintain good foot care routines to help reduce the effects.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic here.


Verrucae are highly contagious warts that are generally found on the soles of your feet or around the toe area. They infect the outer layer of the skin and make it difficult for the body to detect them, which is why, for some people, they can stay in situ for years.

They are most commonly spread in communal areas, such as swimming pools, showers and changing rooms, and can be caught by simply walking over the same section of floor that someone who has one has previously walked over.

Is it Serious?

Although often harmless, verrucae can be uncomfortable and painful if they appear on an area of your foot that takes a lot of your weight when walking. They can also be frustrating and make you want to hide your feet away and think twice about going to the swimming pool.

How We Can Help

There are lots of ways we can treat your problem to give you your confidence back and let you head back to the pool. We’ll identify the best course of treatment for you, which could involve treatments that are stronger than the ‘over-the-counter’ ones you can buy and cryotherapy which sees the wart frozen off.

There are also a number of small surgical procedures that are be conducted to remove the verrucae as well as microwave therapy and needling to stimulate the body’s own immune system.

Contact the team here at Fareham Foot Health Clinic on 01329 825 156 to make an appointment.